Health and Safety Audits – Safety & Loss Management Consulting

Health and Safety Auditor and Advisor Barbara Semeniuk
Over her more than 29 years in the industrial health and safety business, Barbara Semeniuk BSc. CRSP, has developed a passion for prevention. She has conducted more than 1000 health and safety audits of companies of every size and in a wide range of industries, including construction, food processing, oilfield, trucking, retail, security and manufacturing. Barbara also contributes to discussion about the field of Health and Safety on the No Harm Health and Safety Podcast.
About Purcell Enterprises
Purcell Enterprises has been advising companies through Health and Safety Audits for many years. Our Audits provide expertise and practical experience in how to improve the health and safety of their employees and operations. Relying on Barbara Semeniuk’s 3 decades of experience in this field, Purcell Enterprises is a clear leader in the industry. Our clients are treated with the fairness and integrity that has allowed us to remain is business for many years, making us one of the most reliable partners your business could ever deal with.
Our Range of Services Includes:
- Safety audits and inspections
- Training programs specific to your industry
- Consultation regarding your corporate health
- Safety programs and policies.
Corporate Videos
Client Testimonials
” Mark and I would like to thank you for the professional and courteous manner in handling our external audit, you made it look easy and seamless as you completed the D.O.I of the audit. It was a pleasure meeting you and working as your contact and site escort.”
“I was hired by Purcell Enterprises Ltd to do a client satisfaction survey in 2012 and was most impressed with the results. Respondents were asked to validate the importance of 11 variables under study, rate their level of satisfaction with the variables, and provide open-ended comments. The results were impressive with an overall average client satisfaction rating of 94% and open-ended comments that followed the same pattern. Even more outstanding was Barb’s passion for excellence and her commitment to work at improving these ratings.”
“Barbara’s vast knowledge of injury prevention techniques and cutting edge technologies allows her to make recommendations that are best suited for our company. Her approach to our audits has always been to accurately report on our current climate while offering tools and information we need to help us improve.”
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Safety Matters Today
High-Energy Control Assessment: The New Method of Monitoring and Controlling High-Energy Hazards
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The Lifestyle and Rhythm of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)
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The Six Principles of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)
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The Link Between Prostate Cancer and Shift Work
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