Effective March 31, 2023, Canada’s First Aid training for workers must comply with CSA Standard Z1210-17. 

Don’t get behind on the newest updates for health and safety in your workplace. First aid certification remains a basic requirement for all primary contractors and employers. We’ve compiled the essentials to help ensure your business is in line with the latest OHS and CSA standards. Make sure to stay ahead and keep your workplace compliant with Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety codes.

What to Know Right Now

The Status of Current Certifications

Changes in OHS certification will only be required after the expiration of their current valid OHS certification. Current first aiders will not have to seek new training or certificates until their valid certificate expires, and will be considered ‘basic first aiders.’ Find an approved first aid certification site and ensure your every shift has OHS compliant first raiders on hand in case of an emergency.

First Aid kits

All first aid kits will now be classified as Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3, corresponding with the number of people on a work shift. 

Type 1 kits are for personal use only.
Type 2 kits are for basic first aid in low and medium risk environments.
Type 3 kites are for intermediate first aid in higher risk environments.

Type 2 and 3 kits will be used in three sizes based on work situation:

  1. Small kits: 25 workers per shift
  2. Medium kits: 26-50 workers per shift
  3. Large kits: 51-100 workers per shift

First Aid Certifications

To ensure there is no confusion for your first aid certificate holders, it is important to note some terms have been added or adjusted, including the titles of: “emergency first aider” which will now be replaced with “basic first aider,” and “intermediate first aider” will now replace “standard first aider.”

To make sure your workplace stays compliant and up-to-date on first aid kit equipment and the services you’ll need to provide for worker safety, take a moment to visit the OHS Resource portal.

What’s Staying the Same

Privacy is still a priority and only the worker referenced by the official first aid record can access that record. There are 3 notable exceptions:

  • The record does not identify the worker.
  • The worker gave written permission for access.
  • The record is required to be accessed, used, or disclosed as a requirement by law.

Exemptions for Care Centers

Workers within medical facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, medical clinics, and physician’s offices will not have to apply for first aid certification through the OHS. The level of care and supplies for care already exceed the OHS’ first aid requirements so it will no longer be required.

However, it is important to note, nurses working away from these sites will still need a valid OHS first aid certification to provide care.

Next Steps

Stay compliant with adequate first aid certification and renewal for your workers, and be sure to update your first aid kits with the appropriate equipment for levels 1,2 and 3. Make sure to have a level-appropriate first aider on shift at all times, and appropriate transportation to a clinic for anyone who has an injury or illness. Remember that the ill or injured person(s) must be accompanied by a certified first aider as well, so take this into consideration within shift schedules, as there must still be a certified first aider at the site should an incident occur. 

For more information about securing 2023 first aid for your business and employees, you may call the OHS Contact Centre using the phone numbers below:

Anywhere in Alberta

  • 1-866-415-8690

Edmonton and the surrounding area

  • 780-415-8690

Deaf or hard of hearing (TTY)

  • 1-800-232-7215 (Alberta)
  • 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)



(2023). Change highlights: First aid – Part 11 in the OHS Code: OHS information for work site parties and training providers. Government of Alberta. https://open.alberta.ca/publications.